Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Five-Year Action Agenda

 The United Nations Secretary-General has made working with and for Young People one of his top priorities in his Five-year Action Agenda:


1. Deepen the UN campaign to end violence against women by enhancing support for countries to adopt legislation that criminalizes violence against women and provides reparations and remedies to victims, provide women with access to justice and pursue and prosecute perpetrators of violence against women.
2. Promote women’s political participation worldwide by encouraging countries to adopt measures that guarantee women’s equal access to political leadership, managing elections to promote women’s engagement and building the capacity of women to be effective leaders. Place a special focus on the Secretary-General’s seven-point action plan on women’s participation in peacebuilding.
3. Develop an action agenda for ensuring the full participation of women in social and economic recovery through a multi-stakeholder partnership with government, the private sector and civil society. This should include recommendations on inheritance laws, wages, childcare, work-sharing and taxes.
4. Address the needs of the largest generation of young people the world has ever known by deepening the youth focus of existing programmes on employment, entrepreneurship, political inclusion, citizenship and protection of rights, and education, including on reproductive health. To help advance this agenda, the UN system will develop and implement an action plan, create a youth volunteer programme under the umbrella of the UN Volunteers and appoint a new Special Adviser for Youth.

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